How Papercraft Helped me to Deal with Depression | Dad Card using Simon Says Stamp Supplies

July 31, 2019

Hi everyone,   I was in full nostalgic mode when I made this card.  I was thinking in my mom that lives far away in my country  Colombia and I have been unable to see her in many many years due to circumstances totally out of my control.

However,  for some mysterious reason, I used blue colours and my card turned out very masculine so  I  swapped the word  "Mom" for the world "Dad" at the end.  

I also used Space Journey die set. The main sentiment is from Seeing Starts stamp set and the tiny "I love you"  sentiment is from Mom Flowers stamp set.

To add colours I used three different colours of Distress Ink: Blueprint Sketch, Black Soot and Chipped Sapphire. 

This is rather a very simple card. I just applied the distressed inks over the  Faceted Stripes Stencil to create the background.

I know the sentiment is a little bit romantic but it could work when you are very close to your parents.  I don't know. 

I  was just felling a universe apart from my family and mixed up things a little bit. 

This will make a fun Space- birthday card by changing sentiments too.

Below a picture that includes supplies used.

So I also wanted to share in this post a little bit of my life.  What is going on? What drives me to craft? How crafting has helped me to deal with depression? How videomaking also helps?

I almost never share about my life but  I have learned that all of us are fighting different battles and although I always sound very happy,  I'm not exempt from sadness.

Papercraft becomes therapy to me when I moved country. Many of you know that  I'm from Colombia - South America and I moved to Scotland 7 years ago. 

I didn't realized first but now I know that my craft addition gives me real moments of peace and joy and it has also helped me to keep my sanity as I focus on positive and creative time instead of my sorrow.

Although I love my family and Scotland.  I also have mixed feelings and sometimes I feel like I'm miles away from everything I used to love... Everything I still love!

I haven't seen my parents, my family and many of my friends for the last 7 years.  Sound crazy isn't it? 7 long years !!! I have been unable to do it for many different reasons.

I keep connected with them thanks to the glorious social network and  I can see their children grow from far away.

But for a long time, I  have been suffering from a kind of soul sickness.  I can't explain the feeling but it was a fizzy sensation in my chest and throat, it upset me and make me feel sad... people call this depression. 

Living indoors and the long cold dark winter here doesn't help so making videos to share the joy of papercraft on my Youtube channel  + my interaction with many of you on the social network have to help me to fill in the gap and to avoid feeling alone... although I'm not alone at all!

It is a weird thing!! Due to motherhood, I don't go out very often. I really like to spend time with my children and hubby so I have deprived myself of a more active social life and because I have been "depressed" I really don't fancy to go out or even to dress up to go out.

My friends here resents that but they don't know what the heck is going on.

So my husband and children are everything to me but I miss like crazy all those people important in my life. Especially my mum.

My hours of paper crafting have filled that part of me that needed to be filled with nice things. Papercraft is a beautiful hobby.

I'm more organized and settled now but the moving country has been a CRAZY  life changing event. I totally changed my lifestyle. 

I said to my hubby: I'm a tropical fish swimming in frozen waters...  the culture here is so different!  not better, not bad.. just different. Only those who experienced the cultural barrier will understand what  I mean.

Latin people tend to smile even in the most difficult circumstances so that also makes me look a bit crazy and insensible in front of mt British friends.

Something that really adds a lot of stress to the whole situation is the "Spouse Visa process". 

In my case is a 5 years process, very very expensive, complicated and in my opinion discriminatory. 

Although we meet every single requirement to get the visa and my husband is pure British blood the process to get my  Visa and to claim my eldest daughter and my British nationality is taking longer than expected.

The Home Office is holding my passport for the last  16 months while "checking on my application".

We applied for Indefinite Leave to Remain in April 2018.  The process should take a maximum of 6 months. We have been working on it tho but nothing seems to be effective. Not even with the help of our local MP...  It seems all we can do is to wait!!!

So this is one of the reasons because  I have been unable to assist my mom during very difficult times.  It is driving me crazy!

This  Visa limbo also generates a lot of issues to change a job or to study. Although we have been living here for longer than requested to get the nationality, under my Visa type,  we are still considered foreigners.  We paid for everything as foreigners.

Oh well !!! Making the decision to come and live here wasn't something I took lightly .

I meet my husband in 2005 when I was studying in the Sorbonne Universite in  Paris, France.

We married  7 years after.  We call it 7 years of love in the distance.  We tried everything to make a normal love- life with people from our own countries but we just couldn't.

We kept in touch all the time - we had long chats very often...Thanks to the glorious Internet!

So after thinking a lot and considering many facts, I said yes when he proposed to me when I came to Scotland for a holiday.

I found love far away from home and we thought that Scotland is a safer place to raise a family so I  give away everything I had, I sold my brand new card only 6 months old for pennies, dropped a job with 16 salary per a year as I had 4 double extra juice cash bonus and I moved here. Done!

I don't regret it tho. I couldn't find a better man to share the rest of my days and I also found in my little papercraft corner a job related to my career.  Who will know? This also has made my days happier.

That's all for today...

Thanks for stopping by!



Supplies List 

Just a note to let you know that when you buy through the links below  I get a small commission at no extra cost to you. 

Thanks for your support.

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  1. Dear Bibi, I was touched by your story! I too noticed the positive effect of card making. I sit down at my craft table sometimes while being stressed out or upset, and I always feel better afterwards! The card making therapy is the best. Another way for me to feel better is exercising! It works all the time! I also once was a foreigner coming to live in a different country. But here in California people and climate are so nice that it makes adaptation process very easy! Good luck with your visa! Yuliya

  2. Your card is so beautiful! I love where your inspiration came from and how it all came together.
    I always find it can be good to open up and share things. After all, we only can bottle things up for so long, right?!...I'm glad you chose to share. It can be hard to be far away from family and loved ones,. Yes, thankfully we do have technology. I know it's not the same as in person, but I think it helps some. I'm a firm believer in following your heart. I think your heart guides you where you suppose to be. It may take time to get there, but take things one day at a time and live in the moment. Eventually things fall in to place and everything is how it's suppose to be. I've always wanted to go to Columbia...the food, culture, scenery, etc. Looks beautiful. :) I wish you and your family nothing but the best and hopefully soon things will get settled with the visa's and whatnot. Keep doing what your doing, you are very talented! Papercrafting is a great outlet for me, too! ;) Hugs

  3. Your card is gorgeous. Thank you for opening up about you & your life to us all. I wish as a country we didn't pick & choose who to get a visa through with no problem & it then seem to take forever & a day for someone else, you may have noticed in your time over here this country is crap at consistency & getting the rules the same for all. Sorry x Let's hope all is sorted soon as I would hate to loose you as I follow you all the time. I have an eventful life but for other reasons that to me are not fair. Hang on in there huge hugs xxx


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