Fun Fold Slide Card Toppers + Spellbinders Kit of the Month June 2020

June 10, 2020

Hello everyone,  I  hope you are doing well.  Today I'm  sharing a super easy and quick idea to get craty with  "Life is a Party - Spellbinders Kit of the month -June 2020"

This kit includes over 200 pieces to create a variety of papercraft projetcs:

You can use any of the supplies in the kit to create any ocasion papercraft project.

The cool about these cards is that the  topper slides and also acts as a lock that keep the gate fold card closed.

I wasn't planning to make a video but without a video but without the video I couldn't show how fun this is. Plus this is the kind of easy projects that are hard to explain in words.

So here you got  a  5-minutes video to show you the process...


Slide and Lock Card Toppers

As I show in the video, you can use any basic shape die to create the pieces to create the topper or simply cut the toppers using a trimmer or scissors. 

This card measures 5-1/2 x5-1/2 inches.

For this card I also used a decorative square die from  Candlewick square die set, this is a beautiful die set and it is on sale under $10/£10!

I just found today that many of the basic shapes layering die sets by Spellbinders are on sale with up to 50% discount and under $10 -£10 so it is worth to browse the Spellbinders shop here!

You can make this projects in any size or any colour.. The sky is the limit.

This card measure 5-1/2 x 4- 1/4"  ( It is a C6 American  Standar Card) and i used oval dies to make the topper.

I added a heat foiled sentiment to these cards using the must have Every Day Sentiments II Gimmer Plates. Also on sale!!

Find other supplies used to make these cards below.

That's all for today.

Thank you very much for stopping by.




Just a note to let you know that when you buy through the links in my blog,  I get a small commission at no extra cost to you.

Thanks for your support!

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  1. I finally see your face. You are so beautiful, just like the cards you create. I love the one with the slip over the top. Thank you for sharing.


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